Wednesday, March 4, 2009

near-death experience

i was talking to sis when my hand roamed on her desk aimlessly, searching along the edge until i grabbed the little black box and opened it, expecting to see the mini diamond sitting on the dull silver/platinium/alloy ring. i playfully tried the ring on all my porky fingers, knowing that it could only fit my least porky pinkie.

"why is that you can fit the ring on your pinkie only??" sis asked, with a look of smugness in her eyes. I pulled out the ring and fitted it onto THE finger. Shoot.

"because my fingers are FAT." i rolled my eyes and tried to pull it out.

PLOOP! the ring was under too much force when i was struggling with it and suddenly the reaction force on it disappeared as it slipped out of my finger, making it fly out of my grip and doing a parabolic, whirled down and finally landed on the cold tiles with a soft ting.

the soft ting. it was the last sound i heard it make.

"Nah, i got it, it must have dropped under the drawer," i waved to sis casually.

it was not there.

"I..It must be somewhere in this room..." the smile on sis's face faded when she detected the uncertainty in my voice. i bent down and combed the area, shoving away and breathing in dust as i unveiled all the places that damn little silver/platinium/alloy ring could possibly hide in.

"You better find it or you will be chopped to Kenny" my sis warned with a gloating smile. i was already on my knees, scanning the floor for any trace of shine.

"the ring cost 2000+, btw" my sis added.

2000+. FOR THAT DAMN LITTLE BLOOD DIAMOND??? immediately, i could feel ugly businessmen, fugly saleswoman, Kenny with devil eyes glaring at me and HALLELUJAH ringed in my ears.

and then i saw it, that damnit mini-nano-picto Ag/Pt/C/Ru/Mo/W ring sitting under sis's chair, like a child lost amidst of a crowd in a railway station, waiting for his mom to pick him up.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! see?" i put on a i-know-it facade, anxiety dissolving in overwhelming relief.

"good, if not you will DIE" my sis sighed as she stuffed the ring away and continued her work.

i already lived through it, i thought secretly.

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