Monday, March 23, 2009

mental block

took a long nap from 4:30 to 8pm, that was like, 3 1/2 hours?! i think i am suffering from chronic fatigue, or maybe the weather is just too hot. speaking of the weather, today was SWELTERING HOT. i felt like melting under the merciless sun. there was no clouds in the sky, maybe just a flimsy flim of water droplets swiping across the clear sky. whenever i look up to a clear sky, i have this premonition that an atomic bomb is going to drop down on me. the weather was like that on 6 august 1945 in hiroshima (according to real-life accounts).

i can't believe i am blogging about the WEATHER. LOL

anyway, today is fruitless. except for a few purchases on pet society (note the word "few", i didn't buy the whole shop ok, just "a few" of the items...). i should be doing my physical chem tutorials while waiting for the survey results... (i din realise it is so difficult to find 30 married female teachers!!) but i dun ve the notes with me, so...and i finish copying from fishee's soci notes for the lecture i missed last thursday. and after that, i went to watch the second-last episode of Land of Wealth...and came back to wait for any other survey results...

that was how i spent the day. fruitless and feel like a useless bum. should be using my time more wisely when deadlines are pending. i sort of panicked when valerie asked me how my projects were coming along.

"u shld be wrapping up right? mine is submitted alr.."

"..." cold sweats. i haven even started on the introduction part YET.


well, i hope tmr i can get some work done, hopefully. and fake some survey results...

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