Tuesday, March 17, 2009

lucky gal~

*reflections + rant *

i am one lucky girl.
my family loves me.
my friends LOVES me. (well, i hope they do :P, at least i do)

i admit i have a smooth-sailing life, and have not YET encountered any major setbacks. Well, i DO have setbacks, academically, when I barely passed my first math test (20/40) in sec 2. some people may think that this is petty, but to me, at that time, it WAS considered a failure, because i had always passed with flying colours for my math tests, and math was one of my strengths. But what is important is that i was able to get over the initial shock and REALLY buck up, seeking help from my sister (who is a math guru) and practising indices questions every night till i got it. i learnt a lesson from this first "setback" for i should not be complacent with myself.

To others, i may be a lazybum, because i am not visible with a textbook lying on my lap. but I DID study HARD for my exams and 'O's and 'A's, ok? Entering the so-called top JC as a 6-pointer (actually, 2 points, if -2 for HCL and -2 for the first 3 mths policy) is not something easily obtainable without hard work. I am not bragging here, but achievement comes with a price, and opportunity costs (not able to commit to "hard-core" CCA). Doing well in the major exams is not just based on luck (well i admit that the GP thingy comes out surprising o_O), for i have slogged dunno-how-many hours to improving my skills and enhancing my knowledge. the take-home message here is, hard work pays off.

so, i am not as lucky as people think i am. i am blessed with luck to a certain extent, but i also put in effort in ensuring that my life goes on smoothly.

luck, is a constructed myth.

for example, the sky is an azure blue today. i feel lucky and thank god (or whoever up there) for giving me this beautiful weather. but some people may not appreciate this. luck is, therefore, made-believed. i can blame my damn physical chem test on bad luck because i saw a black cat on the way to school on the day i took the test, but what i really shld be reflecting on is that i shld nt ve studied last-minute for the test (i simply dumped the whole heterostructure chapter down the drain cos i had NO TIME).

the lesson is, try my best in what ever i do. if i really screw up, then try to rationalise it. ask myself what went wrong, what i can do in the future to avoid making the same mistake again. and SEEK HELP. if the above fail, then blame the black cat.

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