Monday, March 30, 2009

i dun like PDA

read this article in mypaper, dated 30-3-2009. i like ms shenton's column, and today's article is a spot-on. it really expresses what i feel sometimes...

she was saying, "PDA (public display of affection) is as indecent as digging your nose in public. it demeans yourself and ignores the others around you. some things are private and shared between you and your partner, even if you do not mind, PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE TO US PASSER-BYS. [...] you can tell your partner your emotions in private/discreetly, but please DO NOT STING OUR EYES. "

ya, i feel weird, if not disgusted, at PDA.

sometimes i have to endure sessions of PDA while waiting for the bus, which makes waiting for the bus extra agonising.

maybe one of the agonising moments was when i was back in JC, when i had to shift my eyes from the class couples, who were *gulp* touching each other or whispering words into each other's ears.

it made it worse when the guy was my crush. *sigh*

this is not paris, guys. this is singapore. an asian city with conservative values mind you.

and i really HATE IT WHEN PPL PDA!!!!!!

not that i am jealous or love-deprived, just doesn't look good when i can see saliva exchange going on and little kids are staring at you, or it doesn't look good on the guy when he is baby-talking and acting as if he is in kindergarden. i am trying to savage your dignity, guys.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

the story of democracy

daddybear coughs delibrately and the family turns round to look at him. mommybear and babybear stares at him in anticipation.

"i'm thinking of having a family outing this weekend, any suggestions?" daddybear asks.

"the zoo!!"
"the beach!!"
"let's go hiking and have a picnic afterwards!"

daddybear nods as he listens to the wave of suggestions. undecided, he asks everyone to cast a vote. mommybear raises her hand for the picnic, babybear raises his hand for the zoo, and daddybear raises his hand to..."fishing at the dock".

"but we haven't been to the zoo in ages!"
"the dock is too far, dear"

daddybear closes his eyes and contemplates for a second. then he announces:

"we're going to the dock!" beaming at the disappointed faces of his family.

mommybear grudgingly packs lunches for the family and babybear sighs in resignation. daddybear whistles as he digs out his fishing rods.

and the bearbear family go on to a fishing trip at the dock on sunday.
guess who enjoys the trip most?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

AH CHOY!!!'s so amazing hw a person's look can change so drastically w/o plastic surgery. bt i guess it's 4 e better nw. wink* :P anw AC wld b a source of entertainment aft a day of boring lecture. looking at him brightens up my day. my friends notice that he has 'eyes' for this special guy in our lecture. i guess he's not the only one cos EVERYONE'S attention will be on him whenever he creeps in sneakily and dash across the lecture hall while ah yip is seriously crapping on his trans effect etc. he's my GOOD FRIEND! haha..i enjoy his entertainment, but i hate him for snatching AC's attention towards him. hai~ AC better not be 'that' type.. so sad :(

-----above entry penned by dumbie & double double u--------

wah. sometimes ppl can be so imaginative hahahaa. i din realise that AC milan has eyes for tt weird guy in lecture. it shows that my dear frens are into AC milan cos it does take some level of affection to notice ah choy notice the weird guy.

anw, AC milan is a thinspiration to me. everyone can be macho or beautiful, it depends on the effort u put in.

well, tts it for nw, dumbie has to shut down the laptop.

humpty dumbie

haha currently using dumbie's laptop to blog this...

actually i have nothing much to say...

haha had another boring soci lect, and someone wore all black today hahaha

see how bo liao i am, ve to resort to writing about trivial details of sch.

jya ne~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

stormy day

the thunder grunted periodically, adding suspense to the overcast sky. when is it going to rain? how long can i withstand the storm? can i reach the haven safely before it starts pouring? questions ran through my mind endlessly as i raced with the nature call.

it was not as bad as yesterday, when i nearly succumbed to the tremour that was about to break through the thin earth. i gained resistance to the monster that was threatening to tear my abdomen into pieces. Still, my mind was dazed throughout the day, hearing not listening to what people said, while i fought silently with the rumbling thunder inside me, about to erupt into a storm anytime soon.

man always questions fate, or destiny, when he is suffering from catastrophe like this. i ask myself what exactly happened to get me into this deep SH*T (literally). i did a bit of shelock-holmes analysis and my biggest suspect seems to be the shrimps on sunday. or was it the pork porridge?

how should i describe my excretion to the doctor? "at first it was a gooey yellow, a shade lighter than ferrocene, then the colour was a bit of dirty green..." hmm...but i am too weak to even crawl to the clinic, so i shall wait till tomorrow morning and evaluate the situation.

ouch. the pain is creeping again...

Monday, March 23, 2009

mental block

took a long nap from 4:30 to 8pm, that was like, 3 1/2 hours?! i think i am suffering from chronic fatigue, or maybe the weather is just too hot. speaking of the weather, today was SWELTERING HOT. i felt like melting under the merciless sun. there was no clouds in the sky, maybe just a flimsy flim of water droplets swiping across the clear sky. whenever i look up to a clear sky, i have this premonition that an atomic bomb is going to drop down on me. the weather was like that on 6 august 1945 in hiroshima (according to real-life accounts).

i can't believe i am blogging about the WEATHER. LOL

anyway, today is fruitless. except for a few purchases on pet society (note the word "few", i didn't buy the whole shop ok, just "a few" of the items...). i should be doing my physical chem tutorials while waiting for the survey results... (i din realise it is so difficult to find 30 married female teachers!!) but i dun ve the notes with me, so...and i finish copying from fishee's soci notes for the lecture i missed last thursday. and after that, i went to watch the second-last episode of Land of Wealth...and came back to wait for any other survey results...

that was how i spent the day. fruitless and feel like a useless bum. should be using my time more wisely when deadlines are pending. i sort of panicked when valerie asked me how my projects were coming along.

"u shld be wrapping up right? mine is submitted alr.."

"..." cold sweats. i haven even started on the introduction part YET.


well, i hope tmr i can get some work done, hopefully. and fake some survey results...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

my first interview

i had my first interview in my life this morning.

when i was approaching the castle, the gloomy sky loomed over my head. maybe this was the omen? surprisingly, my main concern was not on the interview later, it was my feet that i was most worried. it seemed that my black heels were about to burst open under my porky feet. and my feet were so blistered that they would make an old warted witch run away in shame. how long could my feet last??

when i managed to step into the building, i started to get nervous. i was practically in a daze from the moment i entered the podium to the moment i knocked on the door. i remembered i greeted the interviewers with a weak "good morning", and sat down without tripping over the table. i tried to answered most of the questions as calm as i could, but my trembling voice betrayed me. my expression must have looked blank and possibly idiotic. and for most of the time i was staring at the black eyeliner of the chairman (who looks exactly like a typical HOD/principal) without looking rude. the only thing that kept me awake was the pain resonating from down under. ouch.

when i was finally done, i mumbled a feeble "thank you" and stepped out of the chamber, joining my fellow warriors who were waiting outside. i got the flunked-it look and looking as pathetic as i could get. sighing in relief/resignation, i settled down with a cup of warm tea to sooth my soul.

i was actually looking forward to catching Suspect X on the big screen, but i decided that i needed to rest my poor feet which were almost dying from the hideous blisters.

my dad gave me the ok-i-wouldn't-ask-more look when i got home shagged.

"it's alright, you can always continue studying"

i nodded half-heartedly.

my dad almost sang the "look on the bright side of life" song when i stared blankly at the tv.


nevertheless, this is a valuable experience. and if i dun strike it once, i will give myself one more chance and move one with other goals in life. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

lucky gal~

*reflections + rant *

i am one lucky girl.
my family loves me.
my friends LOVES me. (well, i hope they do :P, at least i do)

i admit i have a smooth-sailing life, and have not YET encountered any major setbacks. Well, i DO have setbacks, academically, when I barely passed my first math test (20/40) in sec 2. some people may think that this is petty, but to me, at that time, it WAS considered a failure, because i had always passed with flying colours for my math tests, and math was one of my strengths. But what is important is that i was able to get over the initial shock and REALLY buck up, seeking help from my sister (who is a math guru) and practising indices questions every night till i got it. i learnt a lesson from this first "setback" for i should not be complacent with myself.

To others, i may be a lazybum, because i am not visible with a textbook lying on my lap. but I DID study HARD for my exams and 'O's and 'A's, ok? Entering the so-called top JC as a 6-pointer (actually, 2 points, if -2 for HCL and -2 for the first 3 mths policy) is not something easily obtainable without hard work. I am not bragging here, but achievement comes with a price, and opportunity costs (not able to commit to "hard-core" CCA). Doing well in the major exams is not just based on luck (well i admit that the GP thingy comes out surprising o_O), for i have slogged dunno-how-many hours to improving my skills and enhancing my knowledge. the take-home message here is, hard work pays off.

so, i am not as lucky as people think i am. i am blessed with luck to a certain extent, but i also put in effort in ensuring that my life goes on smoothly.

luck, is a constructed myth.

for example, the sky is an azure blue today. i feel lucky and thank god (or whoever up there) for giving me this beautiful weather. but some people may not appreciate this. luck is, therefore, made-believed. i can blame my damn physical chem test on bad luck because i saw a black cat on the way to school on the day i took the test, but what i really shld be reflecting on is that i shld nt ve studied last-minute for the test (i simply dumped the whole heterostructure chapter down the drain cos i had NO TIME).

the lesson is, try my best in what ever i do. if i really screw up, then try to rationalise it. ask myself what went wrong, what i can do in the future to avoid making the same mistake again. and SEEK HELP. if the above fail, then blame the black cat.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

closing the gap

i was feeling apprenhensive as i type "liverpool" in the box. i expected some 1-0 or 0-0 while the screen loaded. then...i clicked the LFC website, hands shaking involunteerly...then i took a deep breath and scanned the page. my eyes fell on the score 1-4 and i mumbled "oh well, thrashed" and it was then i realised the happy faces above the headline: Liverpool Storm Past Man United To Close Gap At Top.

Manchester United 1-4 Liverpool

read it here

OMG!!!!!! THIS IS MAGNIFICENT!!!! bloody brilliant. billions of blistering barnacles.
5 years. we screwed up for 5 years and finally we taste sweet victory.

even if we din get the title in the end, this season is the BEST in recent history.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

new ipod shuffle

i am nt an avid fan of the apple products, but i have a weird fetish for their ipod shuffles.
and they are coming up with a new version. I WAN THIS FOR XMAS!!

features i am most interested with:
new feature that tells the user what song is playing - nt that i nid this feature (cos i can recognize a KK song when the first sound is played), but this is interested. and "The new VoiceOver feature announces songs and playlists to users in 14 different languages"...but no cantonese. haha.

world's tiniest music player - i like miniatures :P it is smaller than an AA battery!!!

well..that's all. and after giving it a second look, it doesn't look as attractive as i tot at first glance :P well, if my ishuffle die of old age some day, i will consider replacing it with this new ishuffle.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

dealing with mid-term sadness


"Human infants express despair to evoke sympathy from others. These sadness responses suggest sorrow is genetic and that it is useful for attracting social support, protecting us from aggressors and teaching us that whatever prompted the behavior to be avoided. This is a brutal economic approach to the mind, but it makes sense: we are sometimes meant to suffer emotional pain so that we will make better choices."

well, this shows that i shld mug more to avoid failing my tests.
chinese presentation tmr. ARGH!

Monday, March 9, 2009

monday blues

today's lab dragged to ~4:40pm (+washing, writing data sheet)
we gave up on part B and did it in pairs (me with valerie)
some did in three lor...luckily the UV machine is fast and hassle-free. (no nid to grind n mash like IR) if nt, it will drag to 5pm i guess. the yield is damn chui. as usual, i kop from someone else's. i am getting worried of not getting any product during the FINAL LAB TEST. *cross fingers*

received a offline msg from ocean-age. haha. really long time no see. i think we have not seen each other for like 3 years?? that is really...long. well, i'm not sure of a lawyer's schedule, it can be real hectic i think, and the campus is soooooooooooooo far away, hidden in the bushes in BT. And law students have internship during hols? and i m not the initiative kind heehee.

miss her. ya, and i shld mug HARD. (but CM3232 is really disgusting)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Brooding on Saturday night

watched two movies today, despite the two pending assignments that have been hibernating in my PC for a LONG time:

Judgment at Nuremberg (1961), starring Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster and others.
Speak (2004), starring Kristen Stewart

great movies, love them.

Speak is quite emotional...KS can really act, seriously. THE scene almost makes me cry. Strangely, it remind me of twilight the book. Bio lessons, fainting, not fitting in, brooding all the that typical of American high school life??

JaN is...reflective. the story deals with issues like patriotism and justice. i am lucky i dun ve to be someone in that position to judge. And i want to watch the boy in striped pajamas. guess have to wait till the DVD comes out.

sigh..have to get back to reality and start on Chinese project. ARGH!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

please let me pass physical...

i dun like ah-loh.
i dun like physical chem.
i dun like sch.
i dun like it when my heart skips a beat.

i dun wan to go to sch tmr :P

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

near-death experience

i was talking to sis when my hand roamed on her desk aimlessly, searching along the edge until i grabbed the little black box and opened it, expecting to see the mini diamond sitting on the dull silver/platinium/alloy ring. i playfully tried the ring on all my porky fingers, knowing that it could only fit my least porky pinkie.

"why is that you can fit the ring on your pinkie only??" sis asked, with a look of smugness in her eyes. I pulled out the ring and fitted it onto THE finger. Shoot.

"because my fingers are FAT." i rolled my eyes and tried to pull it out.

PLOOP! the ring was under too much force when i was struggling with it and suddenly the reaction force on it disappeared as it slipped out of my finger, making it fly out of my grip and doing a parabolic, whirled down and finally landed on the cold tiles with a soft ting.

the soft ting. it was the last sound i heard it make.

"Nah, i got it, it must have dropped under the drawer," i waved to sis casually.

it was not there.

"I..It must be somewhere in this room..." the smile on sis's face faded when she detected the uncertainty in my voice. i bent down and combed the area, shoving away and breathing in dust as i unveiled all the places that damn little silver/platinium/alloy ring could possibly hide in.

"You better find it or you will be chopped to Kenny" my sis warned with a gloating smile. i was already on my knees, scanning the floor for any trace of shine.

"the ring cost 2000+, btw" my sis added.

2000+. FOR THAT DAMN LITTLE BLOOD DIAMOND??? immediately, i could feel ugly businessmen, fugly saleswoman, Kenny with devil eyes glaring at me and HALLELUJAH ringed in my ears.

and then i saw it, that damnit mini-nano-picto Ag/Pt/C/Ru/Mo/W ring sitting under sis's chair, like a child lost amidst of a crowd in a railway station, waiting for his mom to pick him up.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! see?" i put on a i-know-it facade, anxiety dissolving in overwhelming relief.

"good, if not you will DIE" my sis sighed as she stuffed the ring away and continued her work.

i already lived through it, i thought secretly.

i wan u ans me~

initially i was my old childhood fren jasvinda who tagged me for this "i wan u ans me~" note. i tried to ans thoe qns, she commented on it, and found that we ve nt been seeing each other for like, 10yrs alr! it was then i realised how long i ve neglected my old frens.

well, it is diffcult to stay in touch with old frens when we are a sea/an ocean away from one and another. it is HARD. and when i moved to sg 13 years ago, i bid goodbye to them, cried, and moved on. we did write letters to each other for 1 yr or so, and meet up whenever i went back to hk for hols, but it was just different. she has her own frens and so do i. my pri sch frens who are once close to me in hk are scattered all over the world now. well, this is life. u can't be fens forever, even if u wan to. tts how we grow up and meet new ppl!

but i m glad that we still rmb each other and added each other as frens on facebook (i am not advertising for FB nw :P) this menace has its good side. it helps frens to stay in touch and relive those wonderful memories. though it may be superficial sometimes, it is nevertheless a convenient way to keep track of frens and ppl who make a difference in ur life. :)

thanks to those who wrote on my note! :))