Friday, May 8, 2009

sweet freedom

I FINISHED EXAMS!!!! for real!!!! i have completed my 15 years of education. can u believe it?! lalalalala~ and now i just want to relax...till July. So many things to do in these 2 short months! for now, i need to pack my bag for my TW trip. YEA YEA YEA i can't believe i am gg to TW~ lalalaalalala~

getting crazy alr. hee.

first, i need to recover from my flu which struck me at an untimely period when i was furiously mugging for my final finals. i think i will recover soon with the antibodies and Vit C by my beloved pooh. then, i am gg to exercise! my daily timetable for the next week:

8-9am - wake up
9-10am -watch tv/breakfast
10am - walk walk, read newspaper, go play at playground
12nn - lunch
12.30pm - radio time! :D
1-5pm - watch tv, go out with friends or what.
5pm - exercise
7pm - dinner
8-9pm - tv
9-11pm - surf net

i love the exercise part. really exhilarating. and can help lose weight too!
ahhh, that is life.

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