Tuesday, November 11, 2008

another day

late for sch today..cos i overslept :P

i sort of predicted this last night, cos i cldn't find my handphone in my sis's v dark room...(n i din switch on e lights..) n my mom din wake me up, thinking i ve no sch today.."but i always go to sch on tues morning!!!" >o< n she went to mkt early in the morning..she was so surprised to see me downstairs when i rushed for sch.. n i was late for 15 min or so... n the lect hall was filled with ppl (of cos la, 10 20am alr)

second time to be late for sch..i was late once in yr 1, for an org lect, cos i had stomachache tt morning. n i went to lect when it was about to end :P

n the stupid ssa mod has such a loooooooooooong article on dangdut music (indonesian pop). hais. n ve to wake up 8am the next day. ARHHHHHHHHH. i better ve a hearty breakfast if nt i will fall asleep again tmr :P

1 comment:

huiyi said...

it's ok ting ting.. i'm always late for lect too..