Monday, November 10, 2008

Rain on LAB TEST it crying for me?

had my lab test today. IT SUCKED!!!!! watever la, i m one mod down :D

this is my day, in pictures: (kinda traumatized, but drawing it helps me overcome this TRAUMA)

i was totally clueless about the experiment. i DO have some knowledge on kinetics..but IT IS HARD TO PLAN A KINETICS EXPERIMENT...

20min had passed since i stared at the paper and looked up and down for clues...which were nowhere to be seen. and i saw huiyi getting up (we sitting opposite fr each other) and looking rather confident. Oh good for her....everyone else was still i the only one out there looking LOST???

and another 5 min or so had passed. more and more people were getting up and washing bottles. EHHHHHHH??? i flipped the atkins text and found nothing similar to the procedure given. and i brought a pile of RUBBISH to school....i was getting more and more nervous and could not think properly...

Should i ask ah fan??? well...the horrifying viva experience sprung up again...scary. i..i..i shalllll think on my ownnnn, i guess.
BUT I AM TOTALLY CLUELESS!!!! and almost everyone in the room was doing their experiment already. oh god oh my i the only STUPID one out there?!

i gave up...i decided to consult the ever-so-brilliant prof fan for directions. should ve done so at the beginning la...wasted 20min of my time. hee.

"....excuse me...i dunno how to start...."
"are you sure you want to ask me? ve to deduct marks.."

actually he is not stern...just tt he has this AURA which makes him not very approachable. (smart ppl always have this AURA) i always look stupid in front of him..dunno why.


huiyi said...

ting ting.. u really very cute la.. hao la, dun sad le.. u won't flunk this module. I will fail my org chem first, so dun need worry. ur org chem sure will pull u up one!

with love,

AMIGO said...

thanks :)
life goes on...