Wednesday, November 26, 2008

3 mods down

so far this sem has been quite disastrous for me..first was the lab final, then monday's disgusting IA and today's SW. i will be getting a C+ or below for SW so i better buck up for tmr's SSA, cos i'm left with ONE S/U option only!!! >o< tmr's SSA sure will buang..hope nt too much if nt this sem's result slip will not look good. :( i need at least an A- for my org chem to pull me up!!!! if i din buang my org also la...who knows :P

家有一老,如有一寳。this is so true lor. i used my common sense and observations to ans most of the SW mcqs. i almost burst out laughing at one of the qns abt an old woman complaining abt weight lifts given by her granddaughter. reminds me of 7th yi-po. she was contemplating of buying a weight lift to tone up her upper arms muscles(bicep or tricep or watever -cep) i was thinking "gt use meh?!" but she seems so enthu abt din noe whether she did buy it or nt. in the end i chose"ask the doc n use the lifts under doc's supervision". sounds reasonable rite??

i m gg to ash all my notes using a ICP torch after exams. higher temp, burn things up faster. make sure the notes all atomize and gone with the wind...

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