Monday, June 30, 2008

call me tiger woods

ya, i am tiger woods.

in the world of wii, that is. XD

today sis (finally) bought wii for S$520, with additional 75 bucks for the mariokart game (wheel controller included).

that cute little sleek box that brings so much joy to millions of people around the world...and it is finally here!!
tried out mariokart with sis.

we tried it out without the wheel controller, and it was quite ok. but i guess it will be much easier with the wheel controller bah..can steer better!

i always overshot with that damn default controller and ended up driving up the curb and falling into deep pits. arggh.
next we played wii sports (default game). i can achieve so much more in the world of wii. i am not a sporty person, and have embarrassed myself during PE lessons when i couldn't even serve the ball. alas.

but in wii, i am Anna Kournikova.

i can even serve the ball to the end of the court!!!with the minimal effort, just swing my arms and swoosh~! the ball went flying to the opposite court...
in real life i can spend my whole life swinging the racket and not hitting the ball. lol
bowling is much more fun when i can get two strikes and no gutter balls!!!

when i was in sec1, i remembered going bowling with some classmates at my teacher's condo. that was so traumatising, 'cos i couldn't even throw probably. i nearly threw myself into the lane ToT. the ball weighed a ton i think. but the ball is weighless in wii. haha.

so fun!!!! maybe can slim down my arms and say goodbye to those flappy arms. hoho.

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