Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holiday greetings...no...i mean meetings :P

Started going back to school on Monday, when we had a retreat session (of course, contact time before that). It was quite fun, because we got to mould something out of clay, which I have never tried before. The main purpose was to foster a bond among the group members, and to promote teamwork etc. Our team won! :) Partly due to the ingenius presentation which made everyone crack up. :D

The next day, we had EL meeting...My new mentor is a bubbly lady, warm and approachable. :) I aspire to be like her in the future, though I may not have her cheerful character. :)

As for science meeting, the atmosphere was more amicable, and we have a new female boss! We had this sumptuous spread of food from 933 Golden Pillow for lunch :D The golden pillow is just a packet of curry chicken/fish wrapped in curry. The outer layer is buttery, very appetising and is delicious on its own. Dip it into the savoury curry and you will grab for more bread. *drooling* I also tried the sweet and sour chicken and some fish fillet..both were palatable, I won't strongly recommend them :P

That's all for the pre-school-reopen prep...and I have tons of worksheets to settle...Have to settle the filing before I go for countdown+sleepover tomorrow night...

1 comment:

huiyi said...

oh amigo, i also like the 933 curry chicken.. i know le! next time we gathering go someone hse then we can order it!!! should be v nice to eat.. but if ah fu is joining us, then we can ask him go eat mac himself.. hahaha! good idea rite? =)