Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do you know you are too FAT

You know you are too fat when:
1) You can feel a ring of meat around your tummy, even when you are sitting up straight.
2) You can feel the inner sides of your thigh rubbing each other when you walk.
3) You can eat a whole Extra Value Meal (to the last drop of coke) and still crave for an apple pie.
4) Your face still looks like a mooncake in the photo however hard you try to tilt the camera from the top.

The first two scenarios happened to me recently (my face looks like a mooncake in EVERY photo anyway), and that is why I need to slim down. FAST. But healthily, of course. It doesn't help when I pigged out for last night's bbq dinner.

I suggested to mom that we can have one vegetarian dinner every week, just one night. Mom looked at me incredibly as if I had just suggested to migrate to the moon, and she shrugged. Feeling a little dejected, I decided to heed a celebrity's (so sorry to whoever that is, I still can't catch her name though I have seen her on TV for 1 zillion times) advice: eat more wet food, that is, veggies and fruits high in water content. And I try to eat for veggie, which aids in digesting food (probably some enzymes working down there).

So...let's try this for 4 weeks, till the Chinese New Year comes.

p.s. Fat is the new f-word.

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