Friday, May 29, 2009

exam results 2009 sem 2

finally, i can graduate fr nus and 15 yrs of education...with a not-bad-not-excellent result slip. average, lah. better than what i had anticipated haha.

sometimes when u see others achieving better than urs, though u were initially contented with ur results, u will still feel a tiny wheeney bit of sourness/bitterness. but thinking back, it may nt be tt bad, and u ve done ur job. plus u din noe how hard tt person has tried, so dun be envious/jealous of their achievement. be happy with what u have. dun compare urself to others. and live ur life u want it to be. it is hard not to fulfill others' expectation of urs, but if u r the one living ur life, nt ur parents or friends.

right nw i am gg to file for graduation. goodbye nus. goodbye my school (as a student)days.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


went for the moe briefing ytd, and decided to hold on and sign on ltr, cos pooh n wei seemed hesitant abt it. wanted to slap myself for holding myself back, and my character of being easily influrenced. i am determined to grad this sem and move on to another phase of life. so why am i prolonging this uncertainty? and now i ve to email this jason/jacob plus make another trip down to sign the papers. some troublesome biz.

results will be released tmr, actually, 12hours ltr. i shld be living tmr as a normal day. spend the uneasy hours browsing my fren's status on fb or reading tabloid news. the irritating thing is that the hk radio reports the time every 5 min, which means that i will be reminded of my death row every other 5 min. hais.

barca won the champions league 2-0. finally some gd news.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

tw trip prep - 2

planned what i am gg to wear for each day and packed 80% of my load (clothes, toiletries, undergarment). so far the luggage is 55% filled. cables and stuff shld occupy another 10% or can fill in the cavities in the clothes. so, abt 60+% filled. not bad. that shld be the way.

i hope i dun ve much to buy in tw. my shopping list has only books which dun occupy much space (i doubt i m getting a library of books there though i m a bookworm). nat's pineapple tarts and mom's kaywah biscuits must be hand-carried. i m a bit worried abt disneystore@hk airport, what if i see a really cute stitch there?

sis n i bought abt 2 hand-carried luggage on board last yr, cos japan n hk had too many things to shop, we almost wanted to packed some stuff back home via fedex or DHL. but tw...i guess some knick-knacks? haha...

dickies & wii-fit

got myself a dickies hacksack today @ causeway pt. for the tw trip, and also any trips ahead :) qt colourful, doesn't look my style, but bought it anw. a contrast to the tone of my wardrobe haha.

sis bought wii-fit today, and was slapped by the fact that her wii-fit age is 42. +15 yrs of who she is now. by definition, her stamina is "much weaker" than her peers of her (real) age. her kenneth is +5 of what he should be. me? haha...for a person who just had some hard exercise schedule the day before, it is pleasant to know that my wii-fit age is 20!!!!!!!!!! optimum age for a person, i tink. my body is still in its 20.

and my balancing skill is purr-fect, spot-on, bulls'-eye, not even fei zai can beat me to it. but so weird, i am always slouching and not getting to the perfect posture (my spine is doing a spiral-twist right now) maybe this system is not tt reliable, leh. my bmi is 20.65, while people with bmi score 22 are said to be least likely to fall sick, statistically. according to them, i need another 10 lbs or so to get to bmi=22. well, i just wish to maintain my weight, and tone my body.

:D exercise is good for the body, never undermine this universal fact.

Friday, May 8, 2009

preparation for tw trip

things to bring

For the luggage:

Section A: garment
1) clothes for 7 days (do i even ve 7 outfits???) this part is tricky.
2) disposable undies
3) bra bra X 7 (so many???? can wear for two days or nt...)
4) hat
5) jacket
6) swimsuit!

Section B: personal care
1) toiletries: toothbrush, dental floss, facial wash, toner
2) mask?
3) for outdoor trips: dettol handwash, sunscreen, wipes
4) my own (stitch!) towel...dun like to use hotel ones.
5) wet weather: umbrella, poncho?

Section C: Entertainment
1) lappy? charger, thumbdrive, necessary cables
2) twilight DVD :D
3) ishuffle
4) books? dun need ba...since i will be buying a lot in tw. :P

shall update it when i ve any new ideas.

sweet freedom

I FINISHED EXAMS!!!! for real!!!! i have completed my 15 years of education. can u believe it?! lalalalala~ and now i just want to relax...till July. So many things to do in these 2 short months! for now, i need to pack my bag for my TW trip. YEA YEA YEA i can't believe i am gg to TW~ lalalaalalala~

getting crazy alr. hee.

first, i need to recover from my flu which struck me at an untimely period when i was furiously mugging for my final finals. i think i will recover soon with the antibodies and Vit C by my beloved pooh. then, i am gg to exercise! my daily timetable for the next week:

8-9am - wake up
9-10am -watch tv/breakfast
10am - walk walk, read newspaper, go play at playground
12nn - lunch
12.30pm - radio time! :D
1-5pm - watch tv, go out with friends or what.
5pm - exercise
7pm - dinner
8-9pm - tv
9-11pm - surf net

i love the exercise part. really exhilarating. and can help lose weight too!
ahhh, that is life.