Thursday, April 16, 2009

walking on thread

i received my confirmation for the most noble profession in the world. actually, it is a half-confirmed offer, cos i am not sure if i can survive after 12/18 mths. well, no harm trying anyway.

called my aunt immediately when i got the letter. she is as happy as i am ahahhaa. and we went on discussing the graduation. speaking of which, i tink i shld go n order my robe. is it too late? haha..the deadline for robes will be 29 May, and deadline for registration of attendance will be 9 june.

haha, i cant wait to take my photos with mcmug! :)
and my aunt shld be flying to see me in gold robe!!! :D that's the privilege of chemists, who purified GOLD centuries ago. muahaha. and music is deep gold. weird. how do the shades differ??? i wonder.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

AQ: 200

my AQ score should be over 200, which means that even if the warplanes start dropping bullets or shells, my first instinct would be fleeing and finding a CD shetler to hide instead of shrieking and shaking in fright.

and the shell hit me yesterday, unfortunately.

i made a mistake of going to the techno edge for lunch, despite the hellish heat radiating from the granite path i was on. and i made another mistake by choosing to sit at that particular spot.

i was indulging in my fav. indonesian chicken chop when THAT THING hit my head. thinking that it was some careless wasp which failed to steer clear and hit my hair, i asked yiyi whether it flew away. but the petrified looks on my girlfriends' faces told me that it was NOT A WASP.

horrors to horrors. IT WAS BIRD POO!!!!!!!!!!!

poo on my head. great. according to chinese tradition, i shld go and invest on some toto/4D cos i got the tou jiang. ARGH. sighing, i silently pulled out my dettol hand sanitizer and went to the washroom with yiyi to get rid of the white flaky stuff tangled in my hair.

i hate birds. and scared of them. i wld go crazy if i am in a room full of birds (second in the list: a room full of rats). yet i tortured myself by watching BIRDS by hitchcock. masochistic sia.

i guess what is more overwhleming is the prospect of carry the bird shit on my head for the rest of the day. i can argue that it is the new fashion statement, but having poo on your head is not that glamorous, however u wan it to be. and is EXTREMELY UNHYGENIC. wat if i get bird flu???? that is the most scary part.

shitty birdy. i hate u ever more. and i m nt sorry that u guys are exterminated.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

daddy's recipe

due to my mom's fractured wrist, she is off the kitchen for quite some time, so my dad is in the sous chef for two weeks from now on. and his culinary skill is no worse than my fact, i find his cooking way much better. but, well, men don't belong to the kitchen, and my dad is LAZY. i wonder where my lazy genes come from :P

so far, the meals i had were B+/A-/A+ quality.

4/5 - the day my mom went to NUH for the whole afternoon and did not cook

Dinner: luncheon meat and sausages
grade: B, but it was an impromptu meal, lah.

4/6 - first day my dad held the wok

  1. fried egg with minced pork & tons of chopped spring onions added (a bit too oily, but the onions made up for it: B+)
  2. minced pork + potato croquettes (a bit burnt, but taste good: B+)
  3. braised beef tendon in chu-hau sauce (soft and gluey texture which i LOVE: A++)
  4. pork rib soup (usual soup, a bit diluted though: B+)

3.5 thumbs up for this dinner :D

4/7 - second day of my dad's new-founded hobby, getting creative here


  1. stir-fry: pan-fried fish cakes + fried salmon bits n pieces + asparagus (i LOVE the salmon bits!!! it has a layer of gluey collagen/fats-like gel under the skin. yum: A+)
  2. fish in green pepper (pan fried, the green pepper a bit burnt: B+)
  3. salmon head soup with tofu (simple soup, with salmon bits swimming in it: B+)
4 thumbs up!

keep it up, dad. so glad that i dun ve to cook for the family this time round.