Wednesday, December 17, 2008

SHC = Spontaneous Hair Combustion

ya, i just atomized some of my hair in the flame...cldn't believe this stupid thing can possibly happen in real life. it is no joke lor, burning hair can be serious. fortunately, only the tip of my hair was burnt. about 1,2cm from the tip was BURNT.

it happened like this: i was turning on the fire and the stove was having temperamental problems and refused to light up. i turned on a few times and WHROOM! it suddenly lit up!!! exploded i would say. and i was leaning towards the stove cos i wanted to see whether the fire was there or not. and my hair draped down, as usual. I DIN EXPECT THE FIRE TO EXPLODE 2cm IN MY FACE!!!! and so the poor hair which is at the epicentre caught fire and i quickly jerked my head away, of cos. but it was too late. i smelt the burnt protein odour which stung my nose so strongly. ARGGGGGHHHH i only screamed when i saw the curved,damaged, bleached hair.

my mom was more anxious and the first thing she asked was " is your hair ALL ruined?! Aiyo spent so much on rebonding somemore lor..."

no, mom...only the TIP was burnt...and my hair still looks straight and rebonded in general. i think she thought my WHOLE head was in the fire. Come on, if my whole head was on fire i wouldn't be talking to you rite now lor...

i cut off the tip of my hair and it looks weird...nvm, at least i dun ve damaged hair and the weird combusted protein smell lingering in my head...

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