Tuesday, December 23, 2008


i received the sms yest while i was shopping in Orchard...well..overall i score better than i ve expected...

i should be happy that i get A+ for org while i expect a B+...
i should be happy that i get B+ for ssa while i expect a B...
i should be happy that i get B for sw while i expect a C+
i should be happy that i get B for lab while i expect a B-

BUT THE STUPID SH*TTY ANA COST ME A C+ which is irrevocable...it is my major and i cannot drop it anw...sad Orz...if my sw gets C+ i can still S/U it. well this proves that i am not an instrument person and i was lucky in yr 2 haha.

stupid ana ruins everything lor...though i score better for most of my modules i am unhappy...well i should look on the bright side, as my sis said..."hey, an A+ leh" Hais. i should be happy cos i dun ve to read another instrumental module ever after! :D

quite surprised that my lab din get B- or below, haha which means i can do lab work? my sw is ok also, haha common sense really works i realise. and my crapping ability works too! :D for ssa really heng-suay cos i find the final paper qt predictable n i was scared that most of the cohort do well.

hais. watever la, though my CAP drops a little....ve to move on....

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