Friday, November 28, 2008

bet on it bet on it~

went to swensens with mom for lunch today. nt really hungry but i managed to stuff myself with mac&cheese, chocolate ice cream, soup-of-the-day and one glass of coke. the last three items come with the pasta (executive meal) haha damn worth it.

the HSM promotion is still on, so the bgm for today is...HSM2 OST. but the restaurant was getting noiser as more people came for lunch. stayed at the restaurant until "Bet on It" wanted to leave cos we finished everything alr so we left :(

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

3 mods down

so far this sem has been quite disastrous for me..first was the lab final, then monday's disgusting IA and today's SW. i will be getting a C+ or below for SW so i better buck up for tmr's SSA, cos i'm left with ONE S/U option only!!! >o< tmr's SSA sure will buang..hope nt too much if nt this sem's result slip will not look good. :( i need at least an A- for my org chem to pull me up!!!! if i din buang my org also la...who knows :P

家有一老,如有一寳。this is so true lor. i used my common sense and observations to ans most of the SW mcqs. i almost burst out laughing at one of the qns abt an old woman complaining abt weight lifts given by her granddaughter. reminds me of 7th yi-po. she was contemplating of buying a weight lift to tone up her upper arms muscles(bicep or tricep or watever -cep) i was thinking "gt use meh?!" but she seems so enthu abt din noe whether she did buy it or nt. in the end i chose"ask the doc n use the lifts under doc's supervision". sounds reasonable rite??

i m gg to ash all my notes using a ICP torch after exams. higher temp, burn things up faster. make sure the notes all atomize and gone with the wind...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

mugging furiously

let me scream first: I HATE INSTRUMENTAL CHEM!!!
(esp when ur textbook sucks and u r too lazy to travel 1hr 15min to sch library for the text.)

but thanks to the ever-so-informative wikipedia, i sort of know wat the skimpy lecture notes are trying to tell me about energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence. <--level 3ooo chemistry chimilogy, i dun exactly know wat it is either :P

disgusting la IA....but ve to do it anyway. actually is useful but...TOO TECHNICAL and AS DRY AS SAWDUST. i either fell asleep or talk cock during the lectures. or draw stuff on huiyi's notebook. by the end of this sem, i can derive 101 ways to kill a boring IA lect. here are some:

1) talk cock with ur frens..or if u dun ve frens...murmur to urself (and look like a weirdo)

2) sleep/doze off/nap/catch up some sleep esp when u r working on lab reports till 4am this morning

3) expand ur creativity mind by scribbling/drawing on ur notes..(in pencil). or on ur frens' notes.

4) plug on ur ipod esp when u r seated so wayyyyyyyy behind tt the lecturer cant see u

5) after a round of the above activities, sleep again. sleeping can really kill a lot of time and sleeping is healthy :D

6) wake up

7) sleeeeeeep...*yawn*

8) wake up and look at the clock. shucks, it's only half way through

9) pretend to wince when ur lecturer announce a 3-min break. sleep again

10) listen to lecturer (too bad our ears can't close on their own) and find out that his voice is so soothing (or monotone) that the sleeping bugs attack again. Zzzz..

11) talk cock again %^%#$##%&

12) copy furiously wat ur hardworking frens ve copied so far.

13) pack ur bags

14) go for toilet breaks

the list goes on and on...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

the lake house

decided to relax after completing IA assignment...watched the lake house this afternoon. perfect weather for a love movie (coupled with a bowl of chocolate cake ice cream :D).

AWW~~ great chemistry between sandra bullock and keanu reeves. have always wanted to watch this..and it din disappoint me :) becomes one of my favourite movies!

like the song played when they dance:

This Never Happened Before by Paul McCartney (2005)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

another sucky goes on

feeling kinda pissed off today...with a cold hard breakfast to start e day n a sulky mom to face all day long ( ̄へ ̄), nt a very nice day for me :P

slept my whole afternoon away~ the weather was so conducive (?) for sleeping lor...has been raining since 3,4pm i think. it was the heaviest in the evening..but i was sleeping then haha...too tired, dunno why. nowadays i just refuse to pick myself up from the warm, soft the snooze button everytime...

determined to finish the analytical assignment BY TONIGHT. then tmr i m gg to start on sw or ssa..sw more impt cos i have nt been reading since..chapt8? haha ALOT to catch up. BUCK UP! time to wake up alr lah.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

another day

late for sch today..cos i overslept :P

i sort of predicted this last night, cos i cldn't find my handphone in my sis's v dark room...(n i din switch on e lights..) n my mom din wake me up, thinking i ve no sch today.."but i always go to sch on tues morning!!!" >o< n she went to mkt early in the morning..she was so surprised to see me downstairs when i rushed for sch.. n i was late for 15 min or so... n the lect hall was filled with ppl (of cos la, 10 20am alr)

second time to be late for sch..i was late once in yr 1, for an org lect, cos i had stomachache tt morning. n i went to lect when it was about to end :P

n the stupid ssa mod has such a loooooooooooong article on dangdut music (indonesian pop). hais. n ve to wake up 8am the next day. ARHHHHHHHHH. i better ve a hearty breakfast if nt i will fall asleep again tmr :P

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rain on LAB TEST it crying for me?

had my lab test today. IT SUCKED!!!!! watever la, i m one mod down :D

this is my day, in pictures: (kinda traumatized, but drawing it helps me overcome this TRAUMA)

i was totally clueless about the experiment. i DO have some knowledge on kinetics..but IT IS HARD TO PLAN A KINETICS EXPERIMENT...

20min had passed since i stared at the paper and looked up and down for clues...which were nowhere to be seen. and i saw huiyi getting up (we sitting opposite fr each other) and looking rather confident. Oh good for her....everyone else was still i the only one out there looking LOST???

and another 5 min or so had passed. more and more people were getting up and washing bottles. EHHHHHHH??? i flipped the atkins text and found nothing similar to the procedure given. and i brought a pile of RUBBISH to school....i was getting more and more nervous and could not think properly...

Should i ask ah fan??? well...the horrifying viva experience sprung up again...scary. i..i..i shalllll think on my ownnnn, i guess.
BUT I AM TOTALLY CLUELESS!!!! and almost everyone in the room was doing their experiment already. oh god oh my i the only STUPID one out there?!

i gave up...i decided to consult the ever-so-brilliant prof fan for directions. should ve done so at the beginning la...wasted 20min of my time. hee.

"....excuse me...i dunno how to start...."
"are you sure you want to ask me? ve to deduct marks.."

actually he is not stern...just tt he has this AURA which makes him not very approachable. (smart ppl always have this AURA) i always look stupid in front of him..dunno why.

Friday, November 7, 2008

~no tuned~ by kinki kids

this is a song i will listen to when i feel sad...nvr fails to perk me up! :)
like the melody, like the lyrics..

live ver. from phi-concert:




そう チューニングの合わないギターみたいに
調子はずれでいいさ 行くんだ
それぞれに手探りでもいい 生きて行けばいいんだ#

repeat* #

手探りでもいい 生きて行けばいいんだ


chinese translation:



對了 就像調音調不好的吉他般
情況不好也不要緊 可以的
只要各自都在摸索 繼續活下去走下去就行#

repeat* #

只要摸索 繼續活下去走下去就行



now then i realise CM3242 finals is on 24th Nov...the first finals. ARGHHH i hate IA la...i tink i just flunked the test today =P i am nt fit to be a chemist.

i find i m more interested in org/inorg..cos can draw stuff, esp for org. i like drawing lah..i really nt edison or alexander bell, I DUN LIKE MACHINES. they drive me crazy. n i realise i suck at calculations. simple calculations, even level one students can do it...ToT buang buang buang.

n my lab test is on monday and then it will be one module down! yippie~ =D just ve to focus on 4 mods...haha. n dun ve to worry abt org chem till i finish 3 finals. SHIOK!

and after the finals i gonna catch up with this season's j-dorama "Ryuusei no kizuna"...and my DVDs of cos. SUSHI OUJI~~~~~ENDLESS SHOCK~~~~matte ne~~~~

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


kinda relaxed today..cos the ssa lect is abt pop music in SEA..and a lot of youtubes watched.

nt really happy at one video "negarakuku" which criticises the malaysian govt's policies (e.g. policies which favour the malay n indigeous grps). i m nt interested in their politics but some elements in the video is disturbing. such as joking abt morning call at 5a.m.(fr e mosque) n prayers sounding like R&B. i feel that part is crossing the line alr cos it is attacking the religion; i feel tt is extremely inappropriate to attack someone's faith. can sense my malay fren squirming in her seat upon hearing this "racist" statement. i admit, i m guilty of laughing at some of the segments too la m(- -)m. paiseh. talking abt race n religion is sensitive, so i end here.

on a less serious note, i watched HSM3 with hy,ww n xm today at jp. watched with a theatre full of gin-nas. i was trying hard to hold back my laughters throughout the movie cos it is so hilarious. n so unrealistic. a true disney film which shields innnocent children fr all the evils outside disney fairytale-like world.

but still, some gin-nas cldn't stand the smooching scene, which is MILD in my standards. a section of them went "EEEEEEEEEEE" upon seeing troy n gabriella lock lips(no tongues, no saliva). really la, spoil the beautiful moment hais. one day they will grow up. i so want to go over and show them the nude photos vanessa took (for watever reason) but i decided to let them discover on their own, when they r ready. :P

the songs nt really tt memorable this time round(except for can i ve this dance <3), visual effects is dazzling, so much so tt my eyes felt strained after the showdown by sharpay (with her bling-bling boots n outfit, ugh). e plot is...wait, is there even a plot?! i was lost halfway n only know tt they all get into the colleges they want and live happily ever after. go!! wildcats. ha.

after the three installments, i feel that i ve grown out of teenage movies. hmm...correction. i grow out of HSM movies only. i still enjoy freaky friday or parents' trap or meangirls. <---lindsay lohan fan?! ya... so...maybe i will tune in to HSM3 on ch5 only when troy&gabriella r doing tt waltz dance.