Tuesday, October 28, 2008


worked on the stupid ssa proj till 2am yest...super tired now. zzzz hahaha last night after our manga cls sis n me took taxi to her workplace to collect my printed documents...sis forgot to bring home and my proj is due today morning at 8am, so sis bobian rushed to her office to get it for me. her workplace looks so pro lor...i wish i will be working in places like that. but her colleague looks so chao-lao lor...barely 35 and looking like my mother.

dozed off in class and on the LRT halfway...*yawns* and i forgot to take a pic on my dear board game haha. got back my reflective writing...v ambiguous grade: B/B+... the tutor circle B so i guess i got B bah.

ssa lect had a tea break today. REAL tea break with a long table of food...but the food din look appetising la. the stirred fried udon looked like fat worms. some cheapo cup cakes...a lot of nuggets...sloggy hashbrown...dun understand why the whole table of food was cleared by the time lect ended. Lala said arts introduction mods ve this kind of tea break session...but how come my SC1101E and JS1101E dun ve???? Js shld ve sushi buffet XD

my koichi dvd shld be coming sooonnnnnnnwoooohoooooo....
but the yen is getting so scary these days...the exchange rate soared to S$1.52=100yen , previously was 1.28 i tink. and my dvd cost more than 200 alr. ToT *koichi falling from the flight of stairs*

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