Wednesday, October 22, 2008

back...after a longggggggggggg time

ya, i deserted my blog again. ve nt been writing for like...4mths?!
busy with sch la...honestly. nvr tot tt yr 3 can be soooo busy.

lab report every week, some weeks two reports to be completed in two days, sw proj every two weeks, random tests every nw n then...etc etc. n i choose to make a board game for ssa proj. wat stupidity. i shld ve just typed a report instead. n it is due next wed!!!!!!!!! n i better rationalise it or else it wld look lame. and my readings for those arts mods ve been lagging behind...n i dun feel like i ve learnt anything new. tts sad.

n nw i m worrying abt getting employed in the next yr, when i graduate (if i choose to). wat kind of job can i find?! wat a chemist can do: 1) teacher 2) researcher 3) terrorist.

the last option is out, cos i dunno how to make bombs. i only noe Na + H2O. <---is tt even a bomb?! the world is getting worse why make it more miserable?

first option seems a gd one for me...but i stutter when i get nervous. imagine speaking in front of 30+ ppl. but...i guess i can give it a try...

as for researcher...well my grades nt tt gd to become a researcher...i dun really noe most of the stuff taught in sch. no boss wld like to hire me :(

shld end here n start studying for my chem test on fri...woohoo...suddenly watching my cat sleep is so entertaining.

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