Thursday, October 30, 2008

endless shock DVD!!!!!! ( ̄∀ ̄)( ̄∀ ̄)( ̄∀ ̄)

yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!! my dvds finally arrive!!! thanks to ever-so-efficient HMV.

nice pic of the Imperial Theatre (aka Teigeki), it looks really majestic (n koichi so princely <3)>

finished Act One. some changes here n there since the 2005 version. the story flows smoother this time round. i realise i nvr get tired of his musical *~SHOCK power~* the leads are all different (except Koichi of cos)...when i saw okura, "tsubaki-kun" came to my mind hahaha. yara did a good job, can really see he is enjoying in the production. a real dancer.

As for koichi, he is way too thin!!!!!! can see his rib cage bursting under his skin. it is scary to look at even for a split second (well, i am too observant). and his arms shrink i think. where are the muscles in mirror concert?? I really love to watch ES but really hate to see koichi in his 52-kg state (with 6% body fat...). EAT, Koichi.

the japanesque show has a new twist this time round. at the part where koichi the samurai appears, an arrow is shot from yara and koichi catches it in a swift. KAKKOII~~~~~~~(*・(∞)・*)

then there is new music for the middle part of the fighting. and the iconic scene where he pulls out the real sword, he looks at okura (close-up!). The angle for the close-up is just on. can capture his expression nicely.

then koichi stabbed. *ouch* and falls down the flight of stairs (still dramatic after seeing that for the umpteen times)...then koichi advances to the camera with a barrel of (fake)blood smeared on his face (close-up again!). that shot is really dramatic. nice edit (thumbs up for whoever chooses to film it in this angle). it really spooks the audience at home watching this. can feel the tang man. and it really hurts to see koichi struggling for his last breath. *ouch ouch* too much blood on his delicate face already!!!!! but it injects drama into the musical.

and i took a break before i proceed to Act Two tomorrow night. (a lot of dialogue due to the shakespeare shows, real test of my japanese :P) i need to breath.

as for sushi ouji, i watched 10mins of it and it is CAPTIVATING. but i ve to study la (slack the whole afternoon alr) so i stopped myself before it ran finished. weekend? surprisingly i can udnerstand what he says so far. ***KOICHI power***

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