Monday, June 30, 2008

call me tiger woods

ya, i am tiger woods.

in the world of wii, that is. XD

today sis (finally) bought wii for S$520, with additional 75 bucks for the mariokart game (wheel controller included).

that cute little sleek box that brings so much joy to millions of people around the world...and it is finally here!!
tried out mariokart with sis.

we tried it out without the wheel controller, and it was quite ok. but i guess it will be much easier with the wheel controller bah..can steer better!

i always overshot with that damn default controller and ended up driving up the curb and falling into deep pits. arggh.
next we played wii sports (default game). i can achieve so much more in the world of wii. i am not a sporty person, and have embarrassed myself during PE lessons when i couldn't even serve the ball. alas.

but in wii, i am Anna Kournikova.

i can even serve the ball to the end of the court!!!with the minimal effort, just swing my arms and swoosh~! the ball went flying to the opposite court...
in real life i can spend my whole life swinging the racket and not hitting the ball. lol
bowling is much more fun when i can get two strikes and no gutter balls!!!

when i was in sec1, i remembered going bowling with some classmates at my teacher's condo. that was so traumatising, 'cos i couldn't even throw probably. i nearly threw myself into the lane ToT. the ball weighed a ton i think. but the ball is weighless in wii. haha.

so fun!!!! maybe can slim down my arms and say goodbye to those flappy arms. hoho.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

trip to library

went to jurong east library with mom searched for her knitting books again, and i went to the travel & leisure section for travel guides on JP.

i was quite disappointed cos they don't ve any travel guides on JP, only on tokyo. So i went to the chinese section and looked for it instead. surprisingly, as if it was destined, there was a book entitled "fun in setouchichiho"(in chinese, of cos) lying on the bookshelf, on top of millions of other travel guides. it was a small booklet-like guide, but is informative.

next i went back to the english section and looked for mom, who was busy flipping some knitting book. so i went to the pets & animals section for any nice books on cats. to my pleasant surprise, i found a MY CAT picture book!!! those cute cats/kittens photographed in a sspecial way such that their head look bigger than their body, and they appear cartoonly. those big watery(sparkling?) eyes..staring at me innocently haha. if i ever see such a cat at the display window, i won't hesitate to bring it home, though it may cost me a million dollars.

there was a book on a kitten's life.

it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute. i was drowned in all those cuteness just by looking at the pictures. and the descriptions are so true that i am thinking "oh baddykitty does that all the time!!!" or "omg baddykitty is like that too!!!!" when reading the book. now i know how a cat feels or thinks.

yup, so i borrowed those books home.

one thing about the library that i am not happy about is that there are so many students studying. they occupy all the benches (or at least 99%) to put their books on and do their assignments on. HELLO, this is not your home ok?! please do all your studying at home or what. mom was complaining why the students were so inconsiderate. bobian, this is singapore, where students just love to do their homework at airport terminals and fast food restaurants. no wonder the parents are always wondering when do their children study.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

shopping in bugis

Today went shopping with Bugis! (Again...)

We went to Kinokuniya to browse the titles, and found My Sister's Keeper! =D Have been wanting to read this book...watched the variety show "University" on Ch52 and they had introduced some interesting books in one episode ("The Book Club"). This book won most of the votes from the students, and Xiao Bai (the bimbo) who introduced this book to the rest of the students was crowned the Book Rep haha. Anyway, I think Sis is (should be...) going down to Kino this can ask her to get this book for me! =) It's time to read...

And saw this picture book (comic?) in Kino too..

Drawn by a popular blogger XiongBao, who is also one of the regulars on "University". Haha...have to add this book to the booklist and send to Yiyi, before she leaves for tw next week...hopes her suitcase won't overweigh from all the books. *cross fingers*

Left Kino and saw this ROOTOTE bag at Muee (the cute little store beside Kino).

Sis and I saw ROOTOTE bags online and have always wanted to order online @yesasia and let it ship to HK, so we don't have to pay for freight fees. Muee sells at S$21.90 and it is reasonable (it is sold for US$18 online). \
The hearts pattern is also available, but the real thing does not look as good as the online photo...hmm. Maybe I should get the bear&donuts bag? FIE JAPAN is also selling these ROOTOTE bags. But I don't know the price =P

Went to SASA, Watsons, FaceShop, Missha...but didn't get anything from there. Which moisturiser should I use? Hmmm...I am traumatised by BIORE products because of the stupid cleansing gel which left half of my face SWOLLEN. Fortunately it does not leave my skin red and blemished. Tried on one of the moisturiser with soya extract at SASA, but it left a stingy feeling on my hand. Ooops. Imagine putting it onto my face ToT

Then we proceed to Bugis Village. Bought a black cardigen for 10 bucks. Cheap huh. Gracee bought a blouse and a purple t-shirt.
So tired after walking for 3 hours. Phew!

Monday, June 16, 2008

New entry!!

decided to blog in english cos i tink i am losing the touch. have been blogging in chinese for the past 2 yrs(i tink) and getting more cina ever since. so, i tink i shld blog more in standard english, n nt singlish. (i will keep my chinese blog for fangirling purposes haha)
I don't understand why some people were so surprised when I told them that I keep a Chinese blog. Perhaps Singaporeans are just too used to writing in English(correction: singlish). Even people who consider themselves "cina" are more comfortable in expressing themselves in English when it comes to writing. Weird, huh.


p.s. writing in standard eng can be so tired, esp capitalising those damn i's. heck la, i singaporean, so occasionally write singlish also can)

p.p.s. I dunno why everyone writes a "First entry" or "New blog" entry as their first post. guess it's a tradition. blah.