Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ponyo on the cliff by the sea promotions on channel U

i was watching "bu niang xiao hua" on channel u and i came across this commercial abt the give-away to promote ponyo..i eagerly went to their website and thought that all i do is to key in some answers and i get a chance to win the goody bag.


the question they ask is totally not related to the movie lor....

Channel U Giveaway!

"Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea" Goodie Bag!

Tell us why is Channel U's "Style Report" a must watch?The most convincing viewer will get to win "Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea" manga series and soft toy!

Closing Date : 25 Dec

WTH...WTH is "Style Report" anyway?! i doubt the group of ppl watching style report will be the same group of ppl going for Ponyo..(_ _)lll not sincere to give away the goodie bag lor....poor ponyo fans out there.

i so wanted the ponyo soft toy!!!!!! i tink i shld be the same hand puppet toy i saw in japanese showS? the one the singer always play with..IT IS DAMN CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEE

well, i ve planned the watch-ponyo-day with sis:
1) ve lunch at ichiban sushi
2) watch ponyo
3) go home listen to ponyo OST
4) watch the Domoto Kyoudai episode which features the guests singing the Ponyo theme song :D

watch the ponyo trailer:

Nozomi-chan singing the theme song:

wat cuteness...hahaha

nozomi-chan on domoto kyoudai:
koichi is being yasashii to small kids ahahhaha


i received the sms yest while i was shopping in Orchard...well..overall i score better than i ve expected...

i should be happy that i get A+ for org while i expect a B+...
i should be happy that i get B+ for ssa while i expect a B...
i should be happy that i get B for sw while i expect a C+
i should be happy that i get B for lab while i expect a B-

BUT THE STUPID SH*TTY ANA COST ME A C+ which is irrevocable...it is my major and i cannot drop it anw...sad Orz...if my sw gets C+ i can still S/U it. well this proves that i am not an instrument person and i was lucky in yr 2 haha.

stupid ana ruins everything lor...though i score better for most of my modules i am unhappy...well i should look on the bright side, as my sis said..."hey, an A+ leh" Hais. i should be happy cos i dun ve to read another instrumental module ever after! :D

quite surprised that my lab din get B- or below, haha which means i can do lab work? my sw is ok also, haha common sense really works i realise. and my crapping ability works too! :D for ssa really heng-suay cos i find the final paper qt predictable n i was scared that most of the cohort do well.

hais. watever la, though my CAP drops a little....ve to move on....

Monday, December 22, 2008


went to JP n watch Twilight with pooh...first time gg to JP after the extension, so i was a bit overwhelmed by the vastness of the mall...anw, there were A LOT of ppl, and there was a mob at the queue when we arrived at the cinema. mb becos of the festive seasons or sch hols...

we went to MOS for lunch after buying the tix...there was a couple behind pooh..the prob is, they were SMOOCHING rite there in the broad day light. and playing the eat-the-short-french-fry game...argh. can't stand this kind of thing.

we watched Twilight at 1:30pm. the movie is ok, 3 stars. the female lead always look grumpy i dunno why haha..then robert is cute, i must say. and his british accent is goneeeeee (he is english). anw, there will be a sequel sooner or ltr, i guess i wil be watching it and hope it wun drag tooooo long (can cut it into 100min)

Friday, December 19, 2008

badminton day~

went for a healthy badminton session today from 10 to 12 at JE...long time since the last badminton session haha..my arms din hurt as much as last time but i am DAMN exhausted now...napped for 2 hours but still v tired...and dunno why lao-sai-ed twice...ouch...>_<>:(

n today we decided the person for gift exchange next friday...i got...XXX ahahahha cannot tell. but it shld be easy to buy her/him a gift...lucky! :D

next week i ve so many dates AAHAHAHAHAA....monday watch movie tuesday go shopping then friday go steamboat....eventful week! :D

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

SHC = Spontaneous Hair Combustion

ya, i just atomized some of my hair in the flame...cldn't believe this stupid thing can possibly happen in real life. it is no joke lor, burning hair can be serious. fortunately, only the tip of my hair was burnt. about 1,2cm from the tip was BURNT.

it happened like this: i was turning on the fire and the stove was having temperamental problems and refused to light up. i turned on a few times and WHROOM! it suddenly lit up!!! exploded i would say. and i was leaning towards the stove cos i wanted to see whether the fire was there or not. and my hair draped down, as usual. I DIN EXPECT THE FIRE TO EXPLODE 2cm IN MY FACE!!!! and so the poor hair which is at the epicentre caught fire and i quickly jerked my head away, of cos. but it was too late. i smelt the burnt protein odour which stung my nose so strongly. ARGGGGGHHHH i only screamed when i saw the curved,damaged, bleached hair.

my mom was more anxious and the first thing she asked was " is your hair ALL ruined?! Aiyo spent so much on rebonding somemore lor..."

no, mom...only the TIP was burnt...and my hair still looks straight and rebonded in general. i think she thought my WHOLE head was in the fire. Come on, if my whole head was on fire i wouldn't be talking to you rite now lor...

i cut off the tip of my hair and it looks weird...nvm, at least i dun ve damaged hair and the weird combusted protein smell lingering in my head...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 4- To Japan!!

Sis n i woke up at about 6am in the morning...
i had had quite a good sleep the night before and was quite hyper that morning...ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

the problem is i get hungry easily when i am hyper :D so we had a simple breakfast at Maxim's yumcha restaurant before we check in.

Breakfast: carrot cakes, steamed squid, beef ribs in pepper (yummy!! wish to order more but..), porridge & cheung-fun
PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket I'm feeling hungry all over again...

[osaka/kansai...Boarding soon. I can't wait! XD]

As if the breakfast was not enough, i gobbled down the in-flight meal. i chose the oriental version (which is essentially Japanese style), which consists of ginger pork (so they claim) & rice, some weird dessert (a cake?) and...Cha soba (with dippings)!
some people may just pour the sauce onto the noodles(like eating soup noodles), so the package has instructions on how to consume the soba...they especially pack fresh seaweeds!!! some Japanese restaurants will just ve the seaweed get soggy on the soba (S*kae, S*kisushi etc)

after 3 almost 4 hours, we reached OSAKA!!!!!! yippeeee cant wait to get out of the plane o(´∇`*o) (especially when the air stewardesses are so annoying..)
[spacious hall]
["Welcome to Kansai"]

kansai international airport (KIX) is built on an reclaimed island, amazing huh. we took train to kyoto, where we would be staying in for 5 days.
[the nozomi/haruka..watever, can't rmb]

first we took haruka 38 which took us to shin-osaka..then nozomi 92 which took us to kyoto station...total time from airport to kyto was only 1hr15min...quite fast and the seats were quite comfy...i slept a bit cos i was really tired...
Photobucket[the train ticket]

Disaster occured when we tried to reach our hotel. we had a map as reference and the hotel, as shown on the map, was just two blocks away. so we decided to go on foot. anyway, it was SUPPOSED to be two blocks away...BUT! THE MAP SCREWED UP!!!! it only shows the main street, which means the little alleys are not indicated..after walking for about 10 minutes, aunt decided to stop and ask for directions. japanese are kind and some gave elaborate directions by gesturing and limited english...

"why don't we just hail a taxi?" i suggested. (*′皿`艸)
"I think we just ve to walk a little longer...just a bit more will do," aunt reassured.

and so we endured another 10 min of hellish walk to the hotel (_ _lll) (it was 33 degrees at night...). to make matter worse, IT RAINED!!!! poured, i would say... we took shelter at some buliding and took out our umbrellas...the street was empty except for us..and it was dark...and wet. aunt braved in the rain to check out how long we had to walk...and came back cheerfully to announce that we were 200m away...god bless aunt.
by the time we reached the hotel and checked in and settled down, we are too exhausted to go back to kyoto station to have dinner, so we crossed the road to the family restaurant opposite to our hotel. and i swore that night, before i went to bed, i would talk aunt into taking taxi to kyoto station the next day.

Dinner: sis ordered omelete, me ordered fried set

Sunday, December 14, 2008


happened to watch this romantic comedy on Ch5 last night...one of my favourite movies :) i love this scene where Mark confesses his love to Juliet..it was so sweet! felt like crying when i watched this:

"With any luck, by next year,
I will be going out with one of these girls,
But for now let me say,
without hope or agenda,
Just because it's Chiristmas - (and at Christmas you tell the truth)-
To me, you are perfect
and my wasted heart will love you
until you look like this..."

Awwwwww....what a heartwarming moment.


I love my cat so much that i brought him to the vet for vaccination today...the vet loved his fur apparantly, kept rubbing him and saying "nice fur!" XD

kitty should be feeling feverish and left at rest for a few days, but he is jumping around now...\(-_-)/ KITTY YOU SHLD BE SLEEPING!!!! my cat has ADHD i suspect wahaha....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 3- Shopping and nua-ing

Day 3 was nothing much...another post with food..haha

Breakfast: tsar-leung (fried you-tiao wrapped in cheung-fun), noodles in soya & oyster sauce, porridge and plain cheung-fun. carbo-loaden breakfast to energize the SHOPPING day!

[sis's lemon tea from 7-11]

we headed off to causeway bay to take a look and do some last-min shopping before going to jp the next day. i bought a 3/4 denim from levis at half-price! XD went to uniqlo but not much..next, we met aunt louisa for high-tea/late lunch and sorted out the travel insurance thingy...v. important to get travel insurance..

High-tea/late lunch: prawn french toast, sis's baked pork chop rice, aunt's ox-tongue noodles

me? i ate off from sis n aunt's plates hahaa. i finished off sis's soup n bun.

Simple Dinner: homemade soup with winter melon (NICE!!!!), squid/octopus/sotong/watever, roasted pork (siew yuk)

we slept early that night and packed our stuff for the japan trip the next day...Zzzz.

-end of Day 3-

Day 2- Yum cha and lots of food :D

[disclaimer: dun read this post if u r craving for supper!]

going back to HK means pigging out :D it was Sunday and we went to yumcha as usual...(yum-cha-ing on a Sunday is a family thing in HK) so this post is all about FOOD! haha.

uncle n aunt had not arrived yet so we ordered something light..yesh, a small bowl of steamed rice was the appetiser XD
[egg & beef steam rice]
[beef hidden underneath the egg! how exciting! XD]

[cheung-fun with presentation]
sis ordered her favourite pan-fried green pepper stuffed with fish meat...how can u not order this during yumcha!? XD this signature dish is not available in any yumcha outlet in sg...what a pity :(

uncle n aunt arrived so we started ordering (hadn't we alr started?! XD) and the usual stuff were ordered: har-kow-siew-mai (they are a couple), beefballs, steamed pork ribs..blahs.

[of cos there is springroll!]

to end off the yum-cha session, we had stir-fried beef hor-fun. damn yummy.

[glistening beef hor-fun, isn't it beautiful?]

after that sis n i went to the toy street at the market. as it was a sunday, it was packed with people. somehow i love the crowd. felt so vibrant and SO alive. we bought the long-awaited model sets, sis chose the sushi set and me, of cos, STITCH & his tropical desserts!!!

by 6.30pm, i was starving (AGAIN?!) and we set off to the "canteen" which is the restaurant situated in the hotel we had yum-cha-ed in the morning...it is our "canteen" cos we often dine out there XD actually, popo & ah gong spent like 1 mth (or longer?) there and it became their canteen for tt period..

anyway, we had something like a ten-course dinner. something like a set meal for..8 people?

first, the SOUP. dun really like soup but it wld be a SIN to waste anything brewed for 3-4 hours.
then the starters.

assortment of BBQ pork, roasted pork, jellyfish, and some sliced duck? forgot to take the photo initially and within 5 minutes the plate was alr half-empty. XD

aunt ordered coke...her fav drink. HK was selling this olympic special version of coke...cute hor.
we had lotsa food later...do i ve to mention all of them? YES, i should haha..

[sweet & sour pork]

[steamed fish]

[prawn french toast]

[chinese-style steak, cooked with ketchup, sis's n my FAVOURITE!!!!]

[fried rice]
[v salty chicken in a pot]
[chicken head!!!! ARGHHHH]

although we were v full, we ended the dinner with dessert...red bean soup for me. yummy...

bloggin this post makes me hungry...can i fly back to HK now? XD

Day 1- Departure from Changi

it was time for the annual trip back to HK :D our flight was at around 10am and Kenny offered to drive us there...We were taking SIA to HK so we got to use the new Terminal 3~ ,a lot of the counters were empty...looked kinda like a ghost town somehow..(not many people were transiting at 8am in the morning)

[empty departure hall with sunlight radiating in...environmental friendly huh]

We went to the basement since we had like 2 hours before our flight...and saw these cute chairs. artistic huh.

Too bad MY popeyes was not open yet (who would want fried chicken for breakfast at 8.30 in the morning?!) so we went to Macs instead.

[creeeeepy-looking popeyes]

I am not much of a morning person and my stomach did not really scream BREAKFAST so i shared the hotcake meal with sis...

[First meal of the day]

after breakfast we hopped to candy empire to "stock up"...we are not very enthusiastic about the in-flight meal u see..(though it is SIA) bought two packets of chips in the end.

we bade good-bye to Kenny (sis wun be seeing him for another 2 weeks..poor thing :P) and set of to the JOURNEY to gate 25...by JOURNEY i mean it. IT WAS A LOOOONG WAY TO GATE 25. we shld ve utilised the shuttle-train to the gate in the first place. it took us about 15 minutes on foot!!!! well, good exercise after a heavy breakfast.

[OUR PLANE!!!!! :D]

after a boring flight (i dun like the movies -_-) we arrived at HK int airport...and took the train as usual..

["Next station...Tsing Yi"]

as i din really touch my in-flight meal, i was STARVING by the time i reached popo's place >_< we went straight to (Shin)Boston for dinner :D our favourite place to dine out. sis ordered her usual sizzling steak and i ordered curry rice for a change..cos sis wun be able to finish the whole thing anyway haha.

[milestrone soup with freshly baked crossiant]

[curry rice and ice lemon tea]

-end of DAY 1-