Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holiday greetings...no...i mean meetings :P

Started going back to school on Monday, when we had a retreat session (of course, contact time before that). It was quite fun, because we got to mould something out of clay, which I have never tried before. The main purpose was to foster a bond among the group members, and to promote teamwork etc. Our team won! :) Partly due to the ingenius presentation which made everyone crack up. :D

The next day, we had EL meeting...My new mentor is a bubbly lady, warm and approachable. :) I aspire to be like her in the future, though I may not have her cheerful character. :)

As for science meeting, the atmosphere was more amicable, and we have a new female boss! We had this sumptuous spread of food from 933 Golden Pillow for lunch :D The golden pillow is just a packet of curry chicken/fish wrapped in curry. The outer layer is buttery, very appetising and is delicious on its own. Dip it into the savoury curry and you will grab for more bread. *drooling* I also tried the sweet and sour chicken and some fish fillet..both were palatable, I won't strongly recommend them :P

That's all for the pre-school-reopen prep...and I have tons of worksheets to settle...Have to settle the filing before I go for countdown+sleepover tomorrow night...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How do you know you are too FAT

You know you are too fat when:
1) You can feel a ring of meat around your tummy, even when you are sitting up straight.
2) You can feel the inner sides of your thigh rubbing each other when you walk.
3) You can eat a whole Extra Value Meal (to the last drop of coke) and still crave for an apple pie.
4) Your face still looks like a mooncake in the photo however hard you try to tilt the camera from the top.

The first two scenarios happened to me recently (my face looks like a mooncake in EVERY photo anyway), and that is why I need to slim down. FAST. But healthily, of course. It doesn't help when I pigged out for last night's bbq dinner.

I suggested to mom that we can have one vegetarian dinner every week, just one night. Mom looked at me incredibly as if I had just suggested to migrate to the moon, and she shrugged. Feeling a little dejected, I decided to heed a celebrity's (so sorry to whoever that is, I still can't catch her name though I have seen her on TV for 1 zillion times) advice: eat more wet food, that is, veggies and fruits high in water content. And I try to eat for veggie, which aids in digesting food (probably some enzymes working down there).

So...let's try this for 4 weeks, till the Chinese New Year comes.

p.s. Fat is the new f-word.

Friday, December 25, 2009

X'mas gathering 25/12/2009

Instead of having turkey for dinner, we headed for turf city to have steamboat + bbq for dinner. Thinking that there might be a lot of people, we went there super early, just to find that there actually weren't many people at 5.30pm ahaha. The buffet reminds me of the hawker centre near my old flat at Bukit Gombak, where we usually went for bbq+steamboat dinner (before Seoul Garden came along).

After a few rounds of satay/pepper/sesame chicken pan-fried in planta, I felt a bit full (not yet bulging). I swallowed a few stalks of choy-sum to sort of neutralise the heatiness and grease from the bbq food. The chilli crab gravy was quite appetising; I couldn't help but dip a few more man-tou in the gravy (too much carbo already!!). Not yet exploding, I allowed myself to wolf down two chicken wings and two cups of root beer (fried food+soft drink = slow suicide). Well, it was xmas, a perfect excuse to over-indulge XD

After the buffet, it was still early (8+) so we headed down to KAP's macdonalds for gift-exchange session. Weiwei was supposed to give me my present, and I was a bit paranoid at first. To my surprise, she gave me a pair of Stitch slippers!!! ^0^ That was thoughtful :) and I love them so much! They make a squeaky sound when I walk, and kitty is sort of scared of them because of the colour (he hates blue, I realise). I gave Yiyi a Winnie the Pooh plushie, which costs less than 15 bucks. Amazing ahaha and those retailers dare to charge it at HKD225 initially!

p.s. Mac's chocolate milkshake is too sweet for my liking.

Monday, December 21, 2009

After a 5-month long hiatus, I am back blogging. Seriously, I need to practise writing from now on. If not, my English is going to fail terribly. :(

A few updates on what I have done over these 5 long months:

July 27: Deployment@ WGSS

Aug-Nov: working@WGSS

Dec: rotting @ home

And to add on for the month of December, my sister finally got married! *applause* And being the luckiest couple on Earth, the newly-wed has purchased a flat near my house!! (a stone's throw away, literally)

Shall update more about my new life...soon.

We are made for loving. If we don’t love, we will be like plants without water.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner

Xmas Preparation

I am not much of a holiday person, nor am I a generous person. However, the holiday mood is slowly creeping in, and I, too, have adopted to the tradition of holiday gifting.

I don't object to gifting, after all, it is a season for telling our family and friends that we love them (awww~). But I do like to be told (or in a more subtle way, hinted) what to give, so that it will make the job easier for me, and it can bring out the maximum satisfaction in the person who receives the present.

Cute Xmas deco at Takashimaya:

Kids and teddy bears are inseparable, isn't it? :)