Wednesday, February 25, 2009

confessions of a PS addict

ya, one of the reasons why i ve not been blogging since january is BECAUSE I VE BEEN PLAYING PET SOCIETY on the notorious time-wasting social networking menace called facebook.

and yes, it IS addictive. like heroin. it sucks ur time away without u realising it.

it started abt 2 mths ago...

i created this cute little pet called koichi (duh, who else.) i was not really interested in playing with him though he is cute, and i really wan to get those luxury items for him QUICK. i dun really ve much patience to earn those coins by scrubbing him or washing him or playing frisbee with i sort of neglect him for 3 days...until my sis GOT THIS CHEAT CODE. my koichi became FILTHY RICH overnite...

since then, i/koichi shopped in the luxury shop, buys watever he can get his hands off, changed his teeth for some fangs (they cost me 5000coins!!) after i was caught in the latest frenze for edward cullen, hit a bottleneck when he realised he had bought everything (almost) and he turned his attention to those mystery boxes...

PS is fun. haha.

but the nightmare came when the cheat code no longer cheats.

i was left with only 200000+ coins.

since then, koichi has not been splurging on mystery boxes. he can only look forward to newly arrived stuff each monday. nevertheless, he will wait until some genius to revive that cheat code again haahahhahahahaa.....*evil laughter*

busy^infinity recess week

walao...i tot i can ve a break from all those hassles during recess's why this is called the recess week right?! BUT. WHY AM I STUCK WITH TWO ARTS PROJECTS THIS SEM?!!!! i can't even have a movie day this week...wat's worse is that slumdog, the boy in striped pajamas and Marely&Me are all showing this week, and i still ve nt watched k-20 (guess ve to catch it on DVD then :P)


i nid a break, really.

but i guess that will only come on friday, when we will be gg to sushi tei @west coast plaza. (i hope so) if nt, i really wld like to catch a movie or sth, before i prepare my lab quiz/viva for monday....(and i dun wanna think abt it for now..)